Group Sessions

Healing Trauma Clinic

Healing Trauma Clinic
Hosted by Walker Whelan

This Healing Trauma Clinic starts with a guided meditation into Transcendence to access the wisdom to overcome obstacles. We will also enter the Quantum field to access our best future. This is a receptive space changing the body from particle to wave. Also known as an "alpha state" where we two point the quantum potential of our higher destiny.

There will be some activations for ascension guided by Source Divine. I will also share my experience of transformation and abilities to help the group take steps toward self-empowerment.

The intention is to manifest our best whole self with superpowers and abilities. This is a co-creation with our "Transcended" Higher Sacred Self. This connection is an elevated experience of selfless love that manifests gifts of all kinds. This connection is progressive creating a stronger bond with our infinite potential. This bond changes the future self and our genetic expression to an elevated coherence.

To change and become our infinite potential we have to release the addiction to adrenaline-trauma that is re-creating our future from our genetic chemistry in this moment.

These experiences of trauma events genetically express at the mental, emotional and or psychological levels, but eventually trauma will condense further to create physical pain, or even, genetic distortions. Traumas (or distortions) manifest as a combination of personal and or, ancestor experiences that create a weakness. This can eventually create chronic pain, disease or any kind of disorder.

The Healing Trauma Clinic recordings are available on
Patreon with a paid subscription.